Friday, April 22, 2011

Coffeyville Cub Scouting Summer Events

Summer Events For Coffeyville Cub Scouts

5/21Rocket Launch. Weather Permitting. Will be held at Mary Wilson’s farm again. Time TBA

6/10-11 – Day Camp at Iola

6/18 – Hike at Elk City Reservoir. Details later

7/6-8 – Pack Camp at Camp Kanza

7/25 – Swim night at Coffeyville Aquatic Center

8/6 – Fishing Derby at Pfister Park.

9/17-18 – Fun With Son at QSR

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rocket Derby

Get those rockets finished, because our Rocket Derby is just around the corner. We will be launching rockets on Saturday 2/20 at 1:00. The location is not yet finalized but will likely be either at the Model Aircraft runway or at the Aviation Museum. Will let you all know more details later.

Blue And Gold Banquet

The Annual Blue and Gold Banquet for both Packs 5 and 48 will take place on March 22nd (Time TBA) at the First Presbyterian Church. Bring the Family. Chili, chicken noodles, and drink will be provided. Please bring a side dish and table service. We will also hold a cake auction fundraiser, so please bring a decorated cake. The theme for cake decorating this year will be "100 Years Of Scouting"

Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday will fall on February 7th this year (Coincidentally also Super Bowl Sunday). Cubs and Scouts are encouraged to attend church services at our charter organization to show our appreciation for their support. Or if you prefer to attend your regular church, please wear your uniform to commerate the event.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Osage Nation Fall Camporee/Webelos Woods Video

These links are to two Youtube video slideshows of the 2009 Camporee at Big Hill Reservoir. Enjoy.

Fall Camporee (1 of 2):
Fall Camporee (2 of 2):

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Veterans Day Parade At Havana

Coffeyville Cubs have once again been invited to participate in the annual Havana Veterans Day celebration on 11/7/09 from 9 to ?. Transportation can be arranged. Further details will be available at the Fall Party.

Scouting For Food

Our annual Scouting For Food event will take place in front of Country Mart on Saturday 10/24 from 1-3 pm. This event will gather food for the Community Food Bank and is a great opportunity to "Do A Good Turn". Please wear uniforms if you have one. See you there.