Friday, November 14, 2008

Recycling Field Trip 11/17

Cub Scout Pack 48 will meet at the Presbyterian church early at 6:30 on 11/17 instead of the usual 7:00 time. We will carpool to Walmart, where we will take a tour and observe Walmart's efforts to recycle waste and help preserve our environment. We will then carpool back to the church for dismissal and child pick-up.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

RC Airplanes

Any cub wanting to try piloting a radio-controlled airplane is invited to test their skills this Saturday November 8th. We will meet at the Model Airplane Club flight range on West Walnut (near the sewage plant - signs will point the way) at 11:00. Club President David Liming will have a trainer aircraft available. Event will be cancelled for inclement weather or high winds that do not allow for safe flying. For any questions, call David at 251-5747.