Thursday, January 22, 2009

Osage Nation Spring Camporee

April 17th-19th is the Osage Nation Spring Camporee. It will be held at the Wilson County Old Iron Club Grounds. This is going to be an awesome weekend. Fees will be $20.00 for registration plus $7.00 if you want a shirt. This will be a Webelos camporee with Troop 5 and Webeleos 1 and 2 from Packs 5 and 48 all camping together. More details later.

Blue And Gold Banquet

Blue and Gold Banquet will be 2/23. We will be doing a cake auction again this year with a Wild West theme.

Underwear For Africa

This is a new project to collect new, unopened packs of children's and young adult's underwear to be distributed throughout Africa. This is our chance to help others! The underwear drive will run from 1/12 ubtil the Blue and Golf Banquet on 2/23. Each boy is to bring his packages in a sack with his name on the sack (not the underwear package) so they can be tallied up. Both Packs 5 and 48 will participate. The winner of teh drive will be awarded a new Nintendo DS!!!

Space Derby

Space Derby will be held at First Southern Baptist Church on 1/26. Refreshments will be served.