Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(More) Cub Scout Fishing.

The annual Cub Scout Fishing Derby will be held (weather permitting) at Hidden Lakes on Saturday 5/2 from 11:00 to 1:00. Bring your own fishing gear,lawn chairs and a side dish,chips,drink or dessert. Hot dogs and chips will be provided.

Elk City Hike

Due to scheduling issues and preparations for Cub Scout Day Camp, the hike at Elk City Reservoir scheduled for 5/23 has been cancelled. We may try to reschedule later in the fall.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp

Come Live The American Adventure With The Cowboys, Indians, And Pioneers of the Wild West!!

Date: 6/12-14th
Where: Walter Johnson Park, Coffeyville, KS

Full details and schedule available at next Roundtable

Adult Volunteers Needed

Contacts: Danny Noland 620-251-3570
Jeremy Samples 620-870-2811

Leader Training Opportunities

BALOO Training
When: 5/2/09
Where: Sedgewick Co. Zoo
Time 8:00-4:00
Contact: or (316)706-9346 for info

OWL (Outdoor Webelos Leader) Training
When: 5/16-17/09
Where: Camp Kanzaa
Register Online @ $15 before 5/3, $20 after 5/9

CRC Fishing Derby

Cubs, parents, frinds, and family are encouraged to attend the Coffeyville Rec Commission Fishing Derby on Sunday, April 26th at LeClere Park. Registration is from 1:00 to 1:30 and there is no entrance fee. We will have a table set up to register boys and parents interested in joining Scouting. Those who register will be eligible tomparticipate in Day Camp in June. See you there.