Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fun With Son

9/18-9/19 For those wanting to leave early, we will meet at First Southern Baptist Church on Saturday 9/19 at 0815. Please bring your gear, a sack lunch, and physical forms. For those Cubs with football/soccer that morning you may leave for QSR as soon as games are over, but there will be no organized carpool. Maps and directions are attached. I will go ahead and check-in those arriving late, so you should be able to go straight to our campsite and set-up. As campsites are claimed on a first-come-first-serve basis, I cannot tell you which site we will be camping in, but will probably try to be near the watertower.

Raingutter Regatta

9/28 at First Southern Baptist Church. Meet at 6pm. Please bring your completed boats and a dozen homemade or store-bought cookies for snacks after the races.

Popcorn Sales

If there is enough interest, we will hold our Popcorn Sale Kickoff next meeting 9/21. This is an opportunity to raise money for our pack and council and for the boys to earn prizes and credits towards future camps. Prizes will also be awarded for the top three sellers in our pack.

Scouting For Food

Will be held October 24th from 9-11 in front of Country Mart. Please wear uniform if possible.

Quivira Council Patch Contest

In honor of BSA’s 100th anniversary, our council is sponsoring a contest to design a commemorative patch. The winner will have his patch reproduced for distribution to all council Scouts and leaders and receive a $30 prize. Parents may help with the design. More details are will be distributed at the next meeting.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome Back!!

After a summer off, it's time to get back into Scouting! Welcome back to both our returning scouts and our new members. The blog is a bit out of date, since I havent been posting through the summer, but I'll be working hard to refresh it over the next few weeks, so check back frequently. If you have any scouting related news or messages you'd like to see posted, email me at

We've got a lot going on right off the bat.

Upcoming Events include:

Fun With Son Campout at QSR 9/19-20th
Raingutter Regatta 2/28

Details later as I get more time to post.