Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Veterans Day Parade At Havana

Coffeyville Cubs have once again been invited to participate in the annual Havana Veterans Day celebration on 11/7/09 from 9 to ?. Transportation can be arranged. Further details will be available at the Fall Party.

Scouting For Food

Our annual Scouting For Food event will take place in front of Country Mart on Saturday 10/24 from 1-3 pm. This event will gather food for the Community Food Bank and is a great opportunity to "Do A Good Turn". Please wear uniforms if you have one. See you there.

Fall Party

Packs 5 and 48 will have a combined Fall Party at First Southern Baptist Church on 10/22. The fun starts at 5:30, but parents and cubs wanting to show up early at 5:00 to assist in set up are welcome. This will NOT be a sleepover as was previously announced - we anticipate being done around 10-10:30. Planned activities include casting, fish identification,bobbing for apples, pumpkin decorating (carving for the Webelos), tent pitching, snacks and a movie.