Coffeyville Cubs have once again been invited to participate in the annual Havana Veterans Day celebration on 11/7/09 from 9 to ?. Transportation can be arranged. Further details will be available at the Fall Party.
Our annual Scouting For Food event will take place in front of Country Mart on Saturday 10/24 from 1-3 pm. This event will gather food for the Community Food Bank and is a great opportunity to "Do A Good Turn". Please wear uniforms if you have one. See you there.
Packs 5 and 48 will have a combined Fall Party at First Southern Baptist Church on 10/22. The fun starts at 5:30, but parents and cubs wanting to show up early at 5:00 to assist in set up are welcome. This will NOT be a sleepover as was previously announced - we anticipate being done around 10-10:30. Planned activities include casting, fish identification,bobbing for apples, pumpkin decorating (carving for the Webelos), tent pitching, snacks and a movie.